“A Consistent Love”

I have a desktop calendar called ‘celebrating Dads’ which one of my daughters gave me a few years ago. 
Last week it had a quote by C.S. Lewis. :-

                      ‘ The great thing to remember is that, though our feelings come and go,
                        His love for us does not.’

As we continue in lockdown ,and face the challenges that this brings for each one of us, it is probable that we will have differing emotions at different times.  At times we may feel despondent and at times hopeful. At times feel sad at missing our loved ones and at times rejoice as we connect with them virtually. At times we might feel a cloud of despair over us at others we may have a well of joy within. At times we may feel an anger at God for allowing all this and at others a sense of trust that He has it all in His hands. 
Whatever we may feel does not alter the fact of God’s love for us. Let’s remind ourselves that he demonstrated this love for us on the cross. A love that will not let us go. A consistent love!