A clear picture?

A shortened version of a message I read on Facebook goes like this:

“A young woman watched her new neighbour hang out her washing and she complained to her husband that the clothes were not properly washed as they looked dirty. She considered telling her neighbour and was even going to offer her some washing powder.

This happened a few times and then the next time the washing was hung out to dry she noticed that it was clean. She told her husband and he informed her that he had cleaned their windows.

 I like the moral of this story. So often we can’t get a clear picture of what is happening as our view is obstructed by things in our daily lives. We can be too busy or perhaps too worried about our own problems that we only see a partial glimpse of others’ lives. 

A Prayer:        Lord, help us to see clearly and not rush to form opinions and ideas about others. Help us to take the time and see what you want us to see and understand.

Thank you, Father.