A blueprint for revival : a new biography : lessons from the life of John Wesley

A blueprint for revival : a new biography : lessons from the life of John Wesley 

by Mark Williamson  Authentic Media, 2011 160 pages £4.00  ISBN 978 1 850 789 628

A new biography of John Wesley  – surely that’s a biography too far ? 

A quick check on Amazon lists several still in print and the catalogue of the British Library gives even more including the many published accounts of his life no longer in print.

This new biography does have a particular slant and is admirably short. The clue to its approach is in the subtitle – ‘lessons from life’. The lessons to be learned from Wesley’s life which this new book seeks to teach, are his leadership skills.

Three introductory chapters cover his life up to his conversion in 1738. 

Thereafter, the story of the growth of the Evangelical Revival is well known and is skilfully reported here in pithy prose that moves us on without dwelling unduly on any particular incident or experience.

A prominent and attractive feature of the book is the frequent use of quotes from Wesley’s journal and other historical sources, highlighted in quote boxes. 

Each of the 8 chapters ends with a summary of key learning points drawn from Wesley’s experiences during that period and relevant to the work of church leaders today.

This is a very readable and helpful book. If you have never read Wesley’s story and want something short (warts and all), this 160 page work by Mark Williamson, himself a Methodist church leader, is to be recommended. 

The title, however, is irksome. ‘Blueprint’ suggests something quite mechanical – follow the plan and revival will come. Studies of Christian history over the centuries teach us that revival has never been automatic. 

Movements of the Holy Spirit lie in the gift of the Almighty.