Natural Harmony

We took a short break in August on the Welsh border and had a relaxing time. One of the places we visited was the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct & Canal World Heritage Site where we took a horse-drawn barge ride down the canal at Llangollen.

I was struck by the peacefulness of travelling without any engine noise and the ease with which we floated through the water. We passed through one longer tunnel where the only noise was the echo of the clip-clop of the horse’s hooves, which was quite loud. The rope between us and the horse was a long rope with the horse travelling some 30 to 40 feet in front of the boat, and once the boat had some momentum, it glided along with a fairly slack rope.

It was a beautiful combination of nature and man’s engineering operating in harmony with one another. God made us to be stewards of creation, to care for it and to make sure that it is looked after well and flourishes. We are all interconnected, whether the links between us are taught or slack, visible or hidden, and near or far. May we take good care of this precious world.

In the words of Job 12:7-10 (paraphrased): Seek advice from the beasts and they will enlighten you; from the birds in the sky and they will show you. Speak to the earth and earth will teach you; for which of these does not know? All life is in God’s hand!

Let us pray … Glorious God, your whole creation sings your marvellous work; may heaven’s praise so echo in our hearts that we may be good stewards of the earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.