The Architect of our lives

John 19 v 30.
When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit

Outside Madrid stands an ancient monastery where the kings of Spain have been buried. The architect designed an elongated arch so flat that the reigning monarch insisted it could not hold the structure above it.

Against the architect’s protest, the king ordered that a column be placed underneath the arch as a safety precaution. After the king died, the architect revealed that he had deliberately made the column a quarter of an inch too short—and the arch never sagged!

Nothing need be, or can be, added to the finished work of Christ on Calvary to sustain the weight of the world’s salvation. With utter assurance, then, we can rest our eternal hope on that one all-important word, “Finished!”

When my son was studying at York University, I visited York Minster a few times. I was amazed at the structure of this magnificent building. The years of work involved in the building of it and the beauty of the stained-glass windows are unforgettable.

During Evensong my sister and I were both overcome by the emotion of almost feeling God holding us. It was like a physical presence holding us. Needless to say, we both sat and cried.

I wonder if there are any gaps between the columns and the arches in it?

Let’s give thanks to the Architect of our lives, Our Lord and Saviour, for what He has done for us.