Will you pray for me?

When is the last time you asked someone to pray for you?  A lot of us are only too happy to pray for others but it can be very hard to ask someone to pray for us.  It’s only recently I’ve realised how rarely I’ve asked for prayer and yet it should be a natural thing between brothers and sisters in the Lord.  And I’ve discovered through asking for prayer how pleased and even joyful the members of Christ’s family are to be asked.

First, consider the promises about prayer.  Matthew 7:7 – Jesus encourages us to ask, to keep asking, because God longs to give us what is good.   John 14:13, 14 & 16: 24 – If we ask in Jesus’ name it will be granted.   Matthew 18: 19 & 2 ” If two or three agree on Earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in Heaven will do it for you.  For where two or three gather together because they are mine – I am there among them.”

These should give us encouragement to pray in all situations, also encouragement to ask others to pray for us.  Prayer unleashes more power than we’re often aware of.  Just think about it for a moment – how different our situation can be when Christ’s Prayer Army gets active!

I’m living through a situation at present when the prayers of others has made and continues to make a huge difference.  It’s that feeling, that knowledge, that so many lovely people are praying for me that amazes me and makes me feel sure of a love beyond all telling.  It started with my Church Family prayer chain but has spread beyond as I’ve been asked if they can pass it to other prayer groups – even beyond the boundaries of the UK.  It’s that bank of prayer, a mattress of prayer, to keep me going and fall back on when I find prayer difficult myself.  And I have come to value it so much.

So, when did you last ask someone to pray for you?  You may not feel the need at present so you can be the one doing the praying, but bear it in mind for the time you cannot give but need to receive.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, thank you that in your name we can ask in your power for our brothers and sisters and for your world as a whole.  Give us an awareness of and the wisdom for how to pray in accord with what you want.  Give us hearts to pray for each other and humility to ask for prayer when we are in need of your support and healing.  In your name.  Amen