The Olympics of Life!

Hebrews 12:1   
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”

The 2020 Olympics in Tokyo are in full swing as I write this.  They are remarkable in two ways:  firstly, that they are being held a year late because of the Pandemic, and secondly that there is no audience in the stands.  The Olympic stadium was built for 68,000 people, but nobody is allowed in because of Covid.  In spite of the lack of audience to cheer them on, the athletes are performing just as they would have done.  They are still competing for a gold medal and a place on the podium.

The writer to the Hebrews was using the analogy of the Olympic Games when he wrote this passage.  He was imagining the Christian life as if we were athletes running a race in the stadium.  Athletes wear clothing that will help them run well. It’s sin in our lives that gets in the way and trips us up, just as if we were wearing unsuitable clothing for a race. 

An athlete has to push himself; he has to remember all his/her training and keep on going, not slowing down until he/she reaches the finish line.  The writer says we should look at our lives and spiritually “throw off” the ‘heavy bag’, or the ‘trailing scarf’ that we’re carrying around with us.  Then we’ll find it easier to keep going to the finish line. 

In the race of the Christian life, we will all win when we see Jesus, face to face, but throwing off what hinders and entangles us will make it easier to run the race.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, please help me to see what is hindering or entangling me in my Christian life.  And help me to throw it off so I can run more easily to the finish line. Amen