“Planted by streams of water”

Psalm 1 v 3.
That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither, whatever they do prospers

People who don’t want to wait 4 decades for a globe Norway maple to grow in their front  garden can buy a 30 foot specimen from a New York nursery for $42,000. A 50 foot European beech is a “bargain ” for only $20,000. In spite of the prices, the country’s leading nurseries report soaring sales of mature trees.

As one customer put it: “I can’t wait for a banana to ripen. I only buy them bright yellow. There’s no patience for watching a tree grow.

We humans are always in a hurry, looking for shortcuts to skirt the process and grasp the product. And sometimes we expect instant maturity in our Christian walk and growth in faith. What a contrast to the enormous leisure of God in His dealings with us!

If our roots are in God’s Word and our hearts are drawing sustenance from Him, we will flourish.”

One of the ways in which we can help our planet is to plant a tree. It doesn’t have to be a big tree and even if you don’t have a garden, a window box or a pot can be used to plant a dwarf tree.

I intend to get some plants which the bees love. I enjoy seeing how the plants grow and develop.

Our Lord enjoys watching us and seeing how we grow and develop in faith. It takes only a moment to be saved but it takes a lifetime to grow in Godliness.