Count your blessings

It is somewhat odd that, in Christian thinking, a time of difficulty, danger or despair is just the time for counting your blessings. Name them one by one as encouraged by Joseph Addison in his hymn

‘When all thy mercies, O my God
my rising soul surveys,
transported with the view, I’m lost
in wonder, love and praise.

Ten thousand, thousand precious gifts
my daily thanks employ 
nor is the least a thankful heart
that takes those gifts with joy.

Through all eternity to you
a joyful song I’ll raise;
for, O, eternity’s too short
to utter all they praise.

These are but 3 verses of a hymn which, originally, had 13 verses written by Joseph Addison in 1712 and published in ‘The Spectator’ of which Addison was then the editor.

The hymn was added as an appendage to an essay on gratitude – ‘If gratitude is due from man to man, how much more from man to his Maker?’

John Wesley was aware of the hymn and included it in one of his collection of hymns in 1737.

Thankfulness or gratitude is a prime response to the kindness of others as well as to the mercies of Almighty God.

Have you recently counted your blessings, both human and divine?