Circuit Calendar

The Ipswich Circuit are planning a 2 year project in which we will be producing circuit Calendars for 2022 and 2023. The aim is to sell these to raise funds for the circuit’s chosen charity for each of these years. We will be using photographs of every Church within the circuit over the 2 years together with pictures from MHA Norwood and the Felixstowe Port Chaplaincy to cover the 24 months.

To enable us to produce these calendars we need your help please.

We are looking for people to send us in original photographs of your local Methodist Church building which we can use for the calendars. We are also looking for photographs taken from the surrounding area that could show a point of interest that links to the local area.

We do not need photographs taken on the latest state of the art equipment, most modern mobile phones produce pictures of high enough quality that would be suitable for reproduction.

If you have any photographs that have been taken at particular times of the year such as Autumn, Winter and Spring, then this would help us as we decide which pictures to use and when. Once all the photographs have been submitted we will let you know if we will be using your picture before the calendars go into print and will be acknowledging photographers in the calendar.

Please send your photographs via email to by the closing date of 31st August.

If you have any questions please email using the same address.

Thank you all very much for your help with this project.