The Neglected Factor

One can only stand in awe, amazement, respect and gratitude at the fantastic, almost incredible, advances and marvels that are being achieved in science and technology of all kinds, ranging over medicine, communications, neuroscience, cosmology, agriculture, energy and materials science, to name just some.

Is there no limit to the capacity and capability of humankind to explore and explain the physical universe in which we live or to exploit these discoveries for the benefit of present and future generations?

One may be aptly reminded of the story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11. They had the technology and the skills to use both purposefully. 

They wanted to make a name for themselves by building a tower which would reach right up to heaven itself, so great was their ambition.

God saw, realizing that ‘nothing which they propose to do will be impossible for them.’

Pride in progress and achievement can rarely be mistaken. Thank God for scientists, doctors, researchers, engineers and all of those engaged in exploring and exploiting the marvellous potential of God-given resources for our benefit.

Yet our pride needs to be accompanied by an appropriate humility, a realization of sin and sinfulness. Progress and sin; point and counterpoint.

Sin is the neglected factor.