Waters’ edge

There are several references in the Gospels to Jesus and water. Saint Matthew (chapter 8) records an occasion when he was busy and tired and crossed the lake to avoid the crowds, but he was soon found again.

In Framlingham we have our famous castle and historic church, idyllic market hill and Saturday market. We also have our mere; a wetland area always flooded in the centre while the immediate surrounds vary in how waterlogged they are depending on the seasons.

A small river feeds and drains the lake but other watercourses wander in; these are of no significance to studiers of mighty rivers of the world but the contribute to an area of great beauty and wildlife habitat.

Last week the yellow flag iris flowers were out in profusion. Set against the grasses and a myriad of other greenery their striking yellow blooms are glorious in the evening light. A perfect place to pause and reflect on a busy day. One of many places where God is to be found, sometimes unexpectedly, saying in that way without words of his, ‘here I am’.

No wonder Jesus crossed to the other side of the lake for a recharge.

Local people are often to be encountered, just looking at The Mere. From the adjoining road in wet weather or the path in dry times, this is a place to meet nature getting on with its busy life, in tune with God.

A prayer
Lord, when days are busy, help me to stop and just look at something you made. Whether in a wild place or a vase, flowers convey beauty and purpose and your presence.
When days are empty and quiet, help me to see you in creation’s joy and be satisfied.