Trinity – The Son

One thing I have had recently is time to read.  Among books I turned to was the whole Narnia Cycle.  When I was 12, I saved up pocket money to buy the whole set-in paperback and in a substantial slipcase.  They are well read and deservedly so.  I was once asked to name the best book I knew to example the theology of the atonement:  my answer – much to the surprise of the Local Preachers in the meeting – was “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.”  I would give the same reply today, except I would add that the best books I know for getting to really understand Jesus as Son of God would be the whole set, read in the right order.

In “The Magician’s Nephew” – the first of the series -we are actually there when Narnia is created.  As I read it again, I was awe struck by the description of Creation.  The power comes from the lion Aslan who stands for Jesus.  And the description of his voice reminds us of something we often overlook when we think about Jesus.

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.  How did he create it?   The Spirit – ruach – was actively involved but the Gospel of John tells us that all things that were made were made through the Word – ho logos- and the Word is identified as Jesus.  We read that as a fact.  What C.S Lewis does in his book is to put us there as the Word is uttered, as the Word is sung.  Have you ever read the Creation story slowly, considering what it would have sounded like, what you would have seen, what you would have smelt or felt, physically and emotionally?  When we do this, we realise something of the power and glory of the Son of God and understand something of how He works with the Father in unity.

And as we understand, we are humbled and we are glad that we can call our Almighty God our Friend.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, we are so grateful that you have saved us for eternal life with you.  We know you long for all people to accept the forgiveness you offer.  Give us words to explain your power and your glory and your love to others so that they may hear an echo of Your Word and come into a new life with you.  In your name we pray.  Amen.