Trinity – The Father

In the Gospel of Mark Jesus encourages his followers to call God Abba.  When the Disciples asked for an example of how to pray he starts his prayer  “Our Father…”

For many of us this is an amazing invitation of be in the most intimate of relationships with an almighty, ever loving  creator God.  The word Father sums up the caring and the nurturing role of God.  Abba suggests a relationship so close it is difficult to define.  Jesus surely intends us to draw close to God by conveying this sense of deep, loving and committed relationship – a two – way relationship between parent and child, but one made perfect.

But what do we tell those who have either never known a father, or whose relationship with their father has been damaged or flawed in some way?  I have known some who have been drawn to Jesus and his teachings seriously put off making a commitment because of this idea of God as Father.  If your own image of fathering is one of hurt, neglect or violence you may be reluctant to get close to God described in this way.  So how do we deal with this?

One possibly controversial way is to speak of God as Parent or even Mother and this can be helpful.  But Jesus uses the word Father, so can we, should we ignore Scripture?  And some would find using Mother just as hurtful in their situation.  Perhaps the answer is to simply explain what Jesus meant when he used the word Father or Abba.  Perhaps we need to explain what a father should be like and that God is the example of loving and faithful fathering that should be echoed in our own lives.

Perhaps the main thing is that we don’t assume everyone will know what is meant by the word father – just as other words such as Messiah need to be explained – and we start to make sure we make the meaning clear. 

Loving, Father God, through your Spirit give us words to explain the true meaning of your Word.  And give us the wisdom to deal with the hurt and anger which can prevent people from coming to know you.  Give us the ability and insight to share the wonder of living in a relationship with you.  In Jesus’ name.