Trinity – The Icon

As some of you will know, I spent some time in hospital recently.  It’s amazing what you think of in that situation, and one of the pictures which kept coming into my head was of an icon I was shown during a Quiet Day at Otley Hall.

Icons are images used in the Orthodox Church to help worshippers concentrate in prayer and worship.  They are often painted on wood, in clear, bright colours and usually show a Saint or Jesus; sometimes they show a scene from Scripture.  Often, they’re placed on a ledge across a corner to compete a triangle, which then represents the Trinity.

The icon I found myself thinking of was unusual.  It showed a table with three figures ready to have a meal together.  They represented God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  But the picture is incomplete – one side of the table is empty and the three figures are looking, as if waiting for the fourth person to join them.  Who is that fourth person?

You may remember a poem by George Herbert I quoted some time ago now called “Love”.  It includes the lines “Love bade me welcome….” and “You must sit down, said Love, and eat my meat…”

Who is God waiting for?  You…Me…Us.  The completion of God’s Creation and of Christ’s loving sacrifice for our sins is for us to commit ourselves to Him. 

I found myself in that hospital bed thinking of how much God loves us, and how he yearns for everyone to join Him at his table.  And I found myself thinking of the wonders of our God who is one in three and three in one, who has tried every way to demonstrate His love for us and who waits for us to join Him at His table; His servants who are also His friends.  It is a mystery and wonder, and the only way to understand is to surrender ourselves to His love.

Almighty, ever living God, three in one and one in three; we thank you for your love, a love which never gives up on us.  We thank you that through Jesus all people can be saved and come to your table.  We pray for those who are seeking; for those who feel lost and those who feel frightened. Through your Spirit reveal yourself to them that they may find salvation through Jesus and come as your children to your table.  In Jesus’ name. 