A wilderness of mirrors

A wilderness of mirrors : trusting again in a cynical world  by Mark Meynell  Zondervan, 2015
223 pages  £14.00  ISBN 978 0 310 515 265

This is a book about cynicism in the first place and a Christian antidote to cynicism is then proposed by the author. At its heart, cynicism follows lack of trust in people which, in turn, may lead to a lack of trust in God Himself. 

A dictionary defines cynicism as ‘sarcastically doubting human sincerity and merit’ or ‘ incredulous of human goodness’. Trust is clearly of the essence.

The first half of the book explores the existential reality of cynicism in many areas of life today – politics, government, education, journalists, prisoners, banks, scientists, spin doctors, even the church. Is there any area of human activity that isn’t blighted by receiving low marks for honesty and integrity ?

The evidence for adopting a cynical attitude is profuse and is well documented here.

The second half of the book is, in part, a presentation of the Christian gospel – evangelism – and partly an apologetic (defence) for the basis of Christian hope. We believe that righteousness and justice will triumph in the end for our hope is in a sovereign and and righteous God.

No place for cynicism there; impatience while waiting for the end, but cynicism – definitely not !