
Some people like coffee strong and black, others white with sugar, many people just have it white; there are many ways.  I recently had a conversation about coffee and all the different types; roast, ordinary, decaffeinated, etc., etc.

This got me thinking about other things which I like that has many different types like tea, chocolate, and liquorice allsorts.  We all have our favourite which we go for first, mine is the coconut one and then the liquorice with the white middle.  Allsorts is a good name for it all.

In life we are a mixed bunch or to put it another way we are a mix of “Allsorts” – not just of nationality, race, or religion, but in personality.  Not many of us get on with everyone but I think most of us try, although naturally we often get on with some people easier than others.

Jesus mixed with the tax collector, the Samaritan woman who had had five husbands and many others.  He healed the sick, no matter who they were man or woman, Jew, or Gentile.  He told his disciples to go out onto the world and share the good news (Matt 28:19&20).   So must we by the way we live our lives, not being afraid of talking about our Church and our faith when given the opportunity, and caring about and for other people.

As your love in us serves our neighbour,
as your love tells its story through us, 
as your love calls us your people, 
we give you thanks and praise.
