Beacon of hope

Mark 6 v 48.
He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them. Shortly before dawn he went out to them, walking on the lake. He was about to pass by them

When a helicopter crashed in a cold mountainous wilderness, the pilots survived but were seriously injured. The frozen afternoon stretched toward an even more freezing night. The situation seemed helpless, until a rescue helicopter appeared, its searchlights illuminating the darkness. It spotted the wreckage, landed nearby, and carried the injured men to safety.

“How did you know where we were?” one pilot asked.
“The homing device on your aircraft,” one of the rescuers told him. “It went off automatically when you went down. All we had to do was follow it.”

The disciples of Jesus also experienced the joy of being rescued. They had been struggling as they rowed their boat against winds and waves in the darkness of night on the Sea of Galilee (Mark 6:45-47). Then Jesus came to them, walking on the water, and calmed the sea (v48-51).”

Beacons come in many different shapes and sizes but they all serve the same purpose—-to help and rescue those lost or in distress. Sometimes it might be a kind word from a stranger or an offer of help and support from a good friend.

We may not always know when help is needed but we can be assured that someone does know. Jesus knows and he hears even the faintest cry for help.

Hopefully none of us will ever be in a downed helicopter where a beacon goes off but perhaps, we could be that beacon, helping others.