Psalm 16: Worshipping in contentment

What is contentment? Is it being satisfied with what you’ve got? Is it an acceptance that although you want more you have enough? What are the dangers of contentment? Complacency, taking your “eye of the ball?” Spiritual drift, forgetting to keep God at the centre of all we do.

In an earlier Thought for the Day in this series, I mentioned that it is easy to worship God when everything is good, and harder when the going gets tough. However, we can also become complacent or arrogant and forget to worship God in the good things.

We often make our own plans and then ask God to bless them, or perhaps “tell” him to confirm that our plans are the right way to go. We put ourselves first and God second. If we get into the habit of talking with God regularly, and of seeking his will and his way of living, then he will help us make the right decisions and he will be there at our side, constantly guiding us and giving us strength to do his will.

Being a follower of Christ does not mean we will not have difficulties and the day-to day circumstances of life, but it does mean that we can move ahead confidently in the knowledge that God is with us and we will not be shaken.

TFTD: Based on Spring Harvest 2021 Bible study series “Worshipping the God of all in all of life” Edited by Mark Greene from licc which looks at the topic of worship in the Psalms.