Going it alone

My mum wrote in her diary on Monday 15th March 1976 “Derek passed his driving test today” the words are underlined and even a whole forty five years later, I remember that day well.  I put my success down to the fact that  I had been warned by some of the lads at work to watch out for the examiner with the limp, because he had a reputation for never passing first timers, of course when my name was called, it was the bloke with limp.  To make matters worse I stalled the car as I set off from the test centre in Horsforth West Yorshire.  Convinced that I had blown it, the pressure was off, I did as instructed, pulled up back at the centre, was shown a couple of road-signs in a book, which I named with ease, remember being indignant that after memorizing the braking distances, he never even asked and I braced myself for the bad news, he held his hand out to shake mine and congratulated me on my pass, I almost felt my bottom jaw hit my knees at this revelation. The truth was that on Monday 15th March 1976 I passed my driving test, but rather than that being the end of the journey, it was only the beginning.  I really learned to drive during the forty five years that have passed since that day.  I confess that a lot of what I have learned is about sloppy standards and when in 2008 I had to sit a test to drive a school minibus, so that we could transport the young folk from Church around, I was once again convinced that I had failed.

Thursday 13th May 2021 Christians celebrated the ascension of Christ, the point in the story when Christ is taken up into heaven and this day marks the end of that period when Christ had appeared to his disciples.  The disciples were told to wait until the power of God was poured out into them, to go out into the world.  They were on their own now, the expert was no longer alongide them, instructing them, they were responsible for their own actions.  Each year as I mark Ascension Day in my own life, I remember the day of passing my driving test, when I took the car out alone for the first time and the weight of the responsibility that rested on my shoulders.  Time and again over the forty five years since that day back in 1976, I have stepped out in a whole variety of experiences, with the piece of paper in my hand, confirming my ability, but doubt in my mind as I have shouldered the responsibility.  I have made mistakes along the way, got away with some and paid dearly for others, but like the early disciples I have stepped out, knowing that God is with me. 

A Prayer:
O God of earth and sky, as Jesus came among us in Bethlehem to raise us up to heaven, so today we recall his departing from us at Jerusalem to be in all places.
Though he is hidden from our sight, enable us to abide in him by the power and grace of the Holy Spirit, until his mercy and grace will fill your whole creation.