Justice lifts the nations

We are accustomed to hearing preachers talk of the love of God. 

We do need to hear that reassurance, of course, but when do we hear of the other characteristics of God’s nature – his sovereignty, his patience, his grace, his holiness, his perfection, his goodness, his omnipresence or his justice, for example ? (there are others – AW Tozer studies 22 attributes of the Almighty)

The justice of God is given prominence in the Supreme Court building in Switzerland.

A huge painting by Paul Robert hangs in the Supreme Court building. 

Its title is ‘Justice lifts the nations’.

The foreground shows those involved in litigation –the wife against the husband, the architect against the builder and so on.

Above them are the Swiss judges in their judicial robes.

How are the judges to proceed with the cases before them ?

The artist provides a graphic answer.

The figure of Justice is usually depicted blindfolded with a sword pointing downwards but here, Justice is not blindfolded and the sword points downwards to a book on which is written ‘The Word of God’.