New beginnings

Monday 12th April 2021 saw the lifting of further government restrictions as a part of the so called “roadmap to recovery” and along with half the population of Ipswich we visited the wonderful “Jimmy’s Farm” at our first opportunity. We have spent many happy hours visiting the farm in the past and it is better than ever now with a new enclosure housing some Barbary Macaque Monkeys and some Zebra along with all our old favourites.  One special treat on the farm now is the arrival of Tobias a baby Tapir born on Sinday 11th April, the first Tapir to be born in suffolk, making him an important new adition on the farm along with the usual delivery of lambs, goats, piglets and the like and all this new life reminds us that we are back at that point in the year when we celebrate new beginnings.

Almost a fortnight on, the days are continuing to lengthen, the temperature is gradually rising, the weather slowly imporving, colour is returning to our green and fertile land, and as we prepare for further easing of the restriction on our movement there feels to be a very real light at the end of the tunnel.  The big question at the moment seems to be, what have we learned from this experience? It is without question that in the thirteen months since we started on this journey, life has changed immeasurably and I am not sure that we can simply go back to where we were at the beginning of 2020.  If this really is a new beginning, we need to think carefully about the gift of new life we have been given.

A Prayer:
Christ, risen from the dead, to make all things new, we pray that as we emerge from this current season, you will inspire us to work in new ways, to refelect on all that we have experienced and be open to the guiding of your Holy Spirit as we prepare to move forward.  As we see new life around us, we pray that you will work in and through us to create new life in your Church and in the world.