Woodbridge Methodist Church, which has significantly contributed to the community life of Woodbridge for many years, is celebrating 150 years of years of worship, witness and community involvement by hosting a variety of events throughout this year.

The church’s origins go back to the Victorian era when a group of Wesleyan Methodists, who met in various locations in Woodbridge, eventually bought some land and settled in St Johns Street in 1871. After successful renovations and rebuilding in the 1980s, which restored the rooms at the rear and added a beautiful octagon with a lantern light in the ceiling, it is now one of the larger churches in Woodbridge with over 200 people associated with it and a bookings diary for its premises that is full in non-COVID times.

Did you know the church normally, in non-lockdown times, welcomes and hosts many community groups throughout the week? These include: AA, Gateway Mencap Youth club, a Parent and Toddler group, Messy Church, Woodbridge Orchestral Society rehearsals and concerts, Woodbridge Choral Society rehearsals, Love2Sing choir rehearsals, community writing, yoga and fitness classes.

Alongside the full time minister, Reverend Martin Dawes, who has been in Woodbridge for 11 years since moving from Biggleswade, WMC is enriched by a chaplain ministering at Hollesley Bay prison and young offenders institution and another minister who is chaplain to Felixstowe port. For the 150 years celebrations, six special Methodist ministers have been invited to lead and preach services, including the national President of the Methodist Conference, Rev Richard Teal.

A wide variety of events have been planned: these began with a Zoom pancake party in February and will end with Christmas carols and mince pies after a candlelit carol service. Concerts, quizzes, picnics, walks and special services of worship are amongst the events planned, many of which will be open to the public subject to government regulations and appropriate adherence to COVID safety requirements, when needed.

For more information the WMC website ( has all the details:

You can also follow the link to the special 150th Anniversary website:

Building on a strong foundation