
Meditation on God’s Word doesn’t have to end when your devotional time is over. You can continue the blessing by taking scripture with you throughout the day.

Some people memorize a passage or write it down so that they can read it again when they have a few moments. 

Leslie B. Flynn tells of a brilliant college student who volunteered to work at a church camp and ended up as the designated potato peeler. A friend who admired her intelligence said, “It’s too bad you had to end up peeling potatoes.” She replied, “I don’t have to think about potatoes when I’m peeling them. So, I think about my Bible verse for the day.”

I really like this example of thinking about God when doing something so mundane as peeling potatoes. I remember a friend telling me that she has some of her best thoughts about her faith when she was in the shower. I like to think about God’s creation when I’m out for my walk.

I also have a lovely little wooden ornament with Joshua 1 v 9 written on it. “Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

It sits on my window sill so I see it every time I open and close the blinds and every time I lift it to dust underneath it.

We can think about God’s word anywhere and at any time.

This is good news.