Beyond coincidence – DVD

Beyond coincidence   dvd, Koinonia House, 2010  120 minutes  US$19.99 
Video and audio downloads available

Dr Chuck Missler introduces an in-depth study of what has become known as ‘the Anthropic Principle’. This principle was so named by Paul Dirac in 1937 and by Robert Dicke in 1961. Ir describes the appearance of the universe as having been intentionally designed for human life as we know it.

Investigating and formalising some of the many physical and mathematical measurements which make up our universe, scientists have discovered that a slight variation in any one of them would effectively make  human life impossible. 

For example, the distance of the earth from the sun is such that were the distance to be either less or greater, then life on earth would be impossible. Is the distance, as it now is, the result of chance or deliberate design ?

Or, take the axial tilt of the earth, approximately 23 degrees. Were the tilt to be much greater, the surface temperatures would be too great and were the tilt to be less the temperatures would again be too great. The axial tilt needs to be where it is in order to support life.

Putting all such measurements together is called ‘fine tuning’ and provides compelling, if not conclusive, evidence for belief that this world, out of the entire universe, was specifically designed for human life. 

As Einstein wrote, “This firm belief… in a superior mind that reveals itself in the world of experience represents my conception of God.” 

Einstein was not an atheist in the normal sense of that word but it is clear that he did not believe in a personal God.

The design argument is hardly new. Augustine, Maimonides, Aquinas, Newton, Paley – all believed in a Supreme Being as the architect of the universe. 

The work of scientists over the centuries has confirmed the appearance of intentional design. The question remains open, however. 

Did the universe happen by chance or was there an intelligent, creative mind at work ?

The discovery of the Anthropic Principle does not of itself prove the existence of a Supreme Being or God. It does clearly point in that direction. 

Proof of the existence of a divine Creator would remove the need for faith in his existence. 

In the letter to the Hebrews chapter 11 verse 6  we read, “And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.”

In Christian terms, faith, not proof, is the way of approaching the Supreme Being.