New Life

I have told you before about the demise of our walnut tree. As I look out of my dining room door into the evening dusk I can see the lone daffodil that has sprung up behind where the tree used to be. 

This gives me hope that there is always new life to be found – often where there has been disease, suffering and even death. 

The Easter period brings this home to us – Christ’s death which we think about on Good Friday, the emptiness and darkness of Easter Saturday and then the glorious resurrection on Sunday – bringing hope and New Life to all who will put their trust in Jesus 

Part of our ‘mission’ in Walton Parish Nursing is to bring hope where there is despair and point people to the grace that is available to them, both in the things we do and the love and care we show. 

I pray that you will have a very blessed Easter time.