A Christian Manifesto – DVD Review

A Christian Manifesto  by Rev Dr Francis Schaeffer   dvd  60 minutes also available on YouTube

This was a lecture given in 1982 in Florida by a leading American evangelical, a philosopher and theologian whose influence was widely felt not just in the USA but in Europe as well.

The substance of the lecture, given in Dr Schaeffer’s inimitable style, clearly relates to the moral situation in the US at the time (and since) but can be readily transferred across to the UK with little difficulty.

His argument is straightforward and clear cut – secular humanism has replaced the Judeo-Christian consensus that once defined the moral boundaries generally adhered to and respected in the United States. This shift in the spirit and thought of  the times happened while the church was, at best, indifferent or asleep.

Dr Schaeffer, who died in 1984, has been called one of the most influential Christian thinkers in the 20th century.

His voice deserves to be heard – even 40 years on.