New Dawn India

NewDawn India was founded 30 years ago when a resident of Capel, Neville Cooper, met the young social worker, Jim Jesudoss.  He was so impressed with Jim’s vision to change the lives of the street and slum children of Madurai, India that he undertook to support his work.

The sponsorship scheme subsequently set up enables slum children to attend Child Education Centres where they participate in a range of activities .  Close liaison between the teams in Capel and in Madurai ensures that sponsors and supporters feel involved as they are kept very well informed. The charity has virtually no overheads so all the money raised goes into the various projects.

It is estimated that there are 30,000 children living rough on the streets or in the slums of the city of Madurai in Tamil Nadu, South India. They survive by rag picking, begging and scavenging in sewers which run right past their homes. The caste system keeps these families in poverty.

NewDawn India exists to provide support for the Vidiyal Programme, run by Dr. Jim Jesudoss, his wife Dr. Sharmila and their dedicated team, which works towards the relief of poverty in the Madurai slums. ‘Vidiyal’ means a new dawn or new beginning, and new hope.

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For more information, visit the New Dawn India website