
In one of my previous musings I have mentioned Mabel, the owl who lives in Christchurch Park.
(Although it might actually be Mabel’s offspring, Matilda now).

Recently on one of my runs I couldn’t see her in her usual hole in the tree. It took me a while but then I eventually spotted her on one of the branches. However for the last couple of times I have passed her tree she hasn’t been there at all. Perhaps it’s the time of year for her to be on her travels.

Still it got me thinking about our current situation with the news that our enforced incarcerations may be coming to an end. 

I wonder how we feel about that? For some of us we can’t wait to get back to meeting others in the flesh and to resume the activities we were engaged in 18 months ago. For others there may be a sense of trepidation that we have to ,once again, become more sociable beings. I guess for many of us it will be a mixture of these feelings. Perhaps we will be like Mabel – gradually leaving the safety of our environment in stages.

However one thing remains true and certain- God in Christ is with us. Jesus promised that He would never leave us or forsake us. He demonstrated His absolute love and commitment to us by His death on the cross and victorious resurrection.  What a comfort it is to know that the creator of the whole universe is on our side; and that whatever the uncertainties we might face He is the solid rock and fortress we can depend on.