
Boris is not the only one who needs a hair cut!  Instead of talking about the weather one of the main topics of conversation is – when will I be able to get a hair cut!  

I last had mine cut at the beginning of December and from what the Government are saying will have to wait until at least mid-April.

In the Bible there are quite a few references to hair.  The one we all probably remember is Samson whose wife, Delilah, cut his hair so he lost all his strength.

With so much respect for well-arranged hair, it might have been that Mary unfurled a beautiful hairdo when she wiped the feet of Jesus (Luke 7:38).  Jesus recommended adding an oily sheen to the hair as a sign of happiness (Matthew 6:17), he saw no merit in looking dull sad and miserable.

However, in a society of changing opinions about dress and hair both Peter and Paul found it necessary to offer some guidelines.  Peter was concerned that some women would consider their uptodate hairdos as a sign of godliness as godliness comes from the heart and not the hairdresser (1 Peter 3:3).  Paul sets out some of his thinking in 1 Cor 11:14,15).

So let’s not be so anxious about our hair and a visit to the hairdressers, but be more concerned with our spiritual life.

So, during this period of Lent let’s think more about our spiritual life by reading the accounts in the Bible leading up to Jesus’s crucifixion and glorious Easter Day and pondering them.  Then we can sing 


And the end of the lockdown will be in sight.