March Newsletter

Dear Friends,

This is the 1st newsletter of March 2021 and is distributed together with a note from Alison Davis for those who attend Trinity. You will also find enclosed a booklet of Prayers to help you in your Lenten journey together with Mike Peck’s Bible Study notes for the 3rd Sunday in Lent, 7th March.

With the roadmap out of lockdown starting from 8th March, as we move slowly forward, here are SOME IMPORTANT DATES FOR THE DIARY. The following Services will be offered

  • Maundy Thursday — 1st April 10.a.m.  Morning Prayer with Holy Communion at Seaton Road
  • Good Friday – 2nd April  — Stations of the Cross; 
    • We are planning to offer two outside displays of the Stations of the Cross for a few hours on the day.  One in the car park at Seaton Road and one in the garden at Kirton. Further details to follow.
  • Easter Sunday – 4th April – 11 a.m. Holy Communion @ Trinity and
    • 3pm Holy Communion in the garden at Kirton, weather permitting
  • All will be held in accordance with Government guidelines on social distancing.

Our faith, our trust grows from our living relationship with Christ, not our adherence to a set of doctrines or even our attachment to a particular building.  Of course, commandments, doctrines and buildings are important and they each, in turn, can greatly assist and help us in our Faith Journey, but they are not ends in themselves.

Over many years the understanding of doctrines and even commandments may take on new perspectives. Many church families, over time, may develop the use of their Church buildings to embrace new and creative ways of Witness. Our common calling however, remains the same; embracing the four key aspects highlighted by the Methodist Church:  Worship, Learning & Caring, Service and Evangelism. 

Thank you to all who have been preparing for the next Ipswich Circuit meeting where an outline of the Felixstowe Mission Area Vision for the Future will be presented. These are preliminary plans and there will be further opportunity for your comments.  When it is available, I will do my best to ensure you receive a copy in the post. 

At times in life, we can all feel rather wobbly. During the pandemic, perhaps we have felt overwhelmed at times. We can feel overwhelmed at the thought of change, but our trust does not ultimately lie in human endeavour, but the will of God. Our on-line services during Lent have focussed on the Covenant promise of God, a God who is faithful and just a God, whose love endures forever.  A God who in Christ, holds out to us the priceless gift of his grace. 

A Prayer: 
Faithful Covenant God,
May we fully embrace your grace,
Equipping us for flexibility in our Faith and in our Service

Rev’d Diane
