

Master, now you are dismissing your servant in peace, according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.  Luke 2.29-32.

Candlemas is traditionally a festival of light, marking the end of the Whole Advent-Christmas-Epiphany season.   Only today will I take down our Christmas decorations in line with this more ancient tradition of the Church.

In one sense, this festival is a bridge between a season of anticipation, joy and revelation and the more sombre message of Lent. 

In the Bible quote above, we read words attributed to Simeon.  Simeon’s words point both back to the joy of birth and forward to a time of testing.  He spoke to Mary and Joseph, of Jesus, as a sign both of falling and rising;  a ‘light of revelation’ but one that would also be rejected by many.

I love the way Simeon recognises that the Christ child is for all, both Jew and Gentile.

Simeon is not afraid to voice great joy but also not afraid to name that pain and suffering would also mark the pathway ahead.

Simenon has so longed for the arrival of the Messiah, that when he takes him in his arms, he knows he can go to death with such a sense of peace; literally seeing the ancient prophecy fulfilled in this tiny bundle, he now holds so close.

A Prayer
On this Feast of Candlemas, thank you God for the words of Simeon.
Words linking the past with the future.
Words not afraid to name joy and pain.
Words expressing deep fulfilment and peace even in the face of death.
Words that remind us that the Christ child was born for all.