
The song of the humpback whale is one of the strangest in nature. It is a combination of high-and low-pitched groanings. Those who have studied the humpback whale say their songs are noteworthy because these giants of the deep are continually changing them. New patterns are added and old ones eliminated so that over a period of time the whale actually sings a whole new song. 

There’s a sense in which the Christian should be continually composing new songs of praise around fresh mercies of God. Unfortunately, many of us just keep singing the “same old song.” Most certainly, we must repeatedly affirm the fundamentals of our faith. But as the psalmist tells us, the works of God’s deliverance in the lives of His people are many, and give us reason to express our praise to Him in new ways. His works are more than we can count (Psalm 40 v 5).” 

During this pandemic we all have had to change in the way we worship our Saviour. When our churches closed their doors we moved to enjoying the online services, the printed messages arriving in the post and the phone calls. Zoom meetings have become the norm for carrying on our business and seeing our loved ones and work colleagues. I know I miss the singing in church but I really appreciate all the new hymns which I’ve heard. God is still with us and seeing

His work in our lives can put a new song on our lips.