Give Thanks

You can’t go far in reading the Bible without coming across encouragement or a command to show gratitude to God – being thankful. 

As early as Chronicles (16 : 34), for example, we read – ‘Oh, give thanks to the Lord for he is good…’

Do you tell God in your prayers that he is good ?

Abundant references on being thankful to God are to be found in the psalms –

Psalm 7 verse 17      ‘I will give thanks to the Lord…’

Psalm 69 verse 30 ‘.. I will magnify him with thanksgiving.’

Psalm 95 verse 2      ‘Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving…’

The coming of Jesus gave even more impetus to the rising chorus of thanksgiving as Paul told the Thessalonians ‘Give thanks in all circumstances…’ (1 Thess 5 : 18)

In his Thought for the Day on October 4th, Derek deplored the general decline in civility and courtesy – saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. … You may well have noticed it too.

Does this decline in courtesy extend to our attitude and behaviour towards God ?

Heavenly Father, help me to be thankful in all circumstances
And I thank you for helping me.