On Jesus

On Jesus   by Douglas Groothuis   Wadsworth, 2002  £20   98 pages  ISBN 978 0 534 583 941

 (Wadsworth Philosophers Series)

This is one of a series of well over 70 compact volumes dealing with the work and thought of great philosophers, both classic and contemporary.

This book by a scholar (professor of philosophy at an American theological college) is original in that one does not often come across anything about Jesus as a philosopher. 

Here, as you might expect from an academic philosopher, the treatment is thorough, relying necessarily on the Scriptures for primary evidence, as well as using other comments, either in support or critical, in relevant literature.

The chapter headings serve as a guide to the breadth of this analysis from a philosopher’s point of view – Was Jesus a philosopher ? ; 

            Jesus in history; 
            Jesus’ use of argument; 
            Jesus’ metaphysics; 
            Jesus’ epistemology; 
            the ethics of Jesus; 
            Jesus’ view of women and 
           ‘Who do you say that I am ?

Douglas Groothuis is a stalwart defender of the founder of the Christian faith as demonstrated by his prolific writings.

The book demands concentration as befits the subject and is probably best read to advantage a chapter at a time.