John the Baptist

Why do we remember John the Baptist at this time?  Doesn’t he belong in Lent with the Baptism of Christ?

John reminds us of the need  for self-examination and for saying we are sorry.  John ‘s baptism was one of repentance.  This gives us comfort and hope – God is always ready to forgive us when we’re really sorry for what we have, or have not, done.  Falling short of God’s standards, letting God down, is not necessarily the end, it can be the beginning.   If you doubt this, consider Simon Peter, the one who promised he would never let  Jesus down and then denied all knowledge of him 3 times when Jesus needed a friend most.   Simon Peter was forgiven, given another chance to develop a ministry which glorified God.

As the third candle is lit, consider this.  Whatever you have done or not done, no one is beyond God’s forgiveness.  As that candle is lit and the flame takes hold, accept God’s  forgiveness for yourself and let the guilt go.  Accept you are a beloved child of God, forgiven in the name of Jesus, and meant to shine the light of his loving forgiveness wherever you go and to whomever you meet.  Let the guilt go.  This is what it means when we say Jesus died to set us free!

Prayer:  Lord of all comfort and forgiveness.  Give us the grace and the courage to accept we are truly and deeply forgiven.  May we accept your promise of freedom and share the joy and hope of that promise wherever and whenever we can.  In Jesus name.  Amen.