How about our preparations ?

Sometime ago there was an International Arts Exhibition, and it included a tremendous range of modern technology, and some of it was quite spectacular, but also involved noise which was distracting.  The architects were set the massive task of preparing this exhibition and to create the atmosphere for each exhibit. 

One problem they had was a small exhibition of paintings which by their being different from normal art would require the onlooker to stand/sit and just stare whilst being in the stillness and quietness.  How could this be achieved within an exhibition of noise and lights etc.?  Well they built it so that the only way you could enter this art studio was to first having to walk through a beautiful garden together with waterfalls and exquisite flowers.  So by the time you arrived at the studio your mind had changed from hearing all the noise and flashing lights and you were completely calm and collected so you could appreciate this new form of art.

I remember being at Thursford at one of their Christmas concerts, all the cast were assembled on the stage for their final spectacular, when suddenly, the music stopped and there was a corridor created on the stage, and Mary and Joseph appeared with the baby Jesus.

Although many things will be different this year, there will still be many preparations done for this period of Christmas and it is just so important that we find a special place in our “inn” for Jesus to stay.

“Come into my heart Lord Jesus, there is room in my heart for thee”.