
This year social interaction has changed for us all. We can no longer greet our friends with a hug or even a hand shake.  We have learnt to socially distance, we have experienced more outside  gatherings and historically, it has been the birth of video telephony.

All of these changes have meant an absence of human touch in our lives and for many people, particularly those who live on their own, this is a real challenge.

In the bible there are many stories of Jesus reaching out and touching people to heal them of leprosy, blindness or disability.  Jesus not only used words and parables but also came alongside people and used his physical presence.  How many of us have experienced the healing power of touch from someone at some time during our lives?  Maybe not in a dramatic way but in a way that deepened our sense of calm or belonging or acceptance.    

Last year I visited  my cousin in France who I hadn’t seen for 10 years. He has had a deeply traumatic life and I knew that as our time was limited it was not going to be possible to enter into a conversation of any great depth. So instead I found my embrace with him had to convey everything that I really wanted to say and I believe God was part of that moment.

So how do we manage without touch, today? Eoin McLaughlin, a childrens author has written a book called ‘While we can’t hug’;  in which a tortoise and a hedgehog find other ways of loving each other and I’m sure it is going to be a big hit this Christmas. Whilst there are other ways of conveying our love such as phone calls, emails and letters  I believe we can also pray that the holy spirit might be the physical presence for our friends and family this Advent.


Dear Lord

Thank you for the sense of touch.

For the way in which it can convey emotions that are often difficult to speak of and for the healing it can bring.

While we are unable to reach out and touch each other please send your holy spirit to be a real presence amongst those who we love.
