In the Kitchen – Again !

I’m  experimenting with sourdough.  Getting the “starter” going was interesting and rather messy  and took  a lot of time and a lot of patience.  At every stage there is a long wait, and I mean hours.  Because the yeast has to grow naturally you can’t rush it.  I’ve graduated to actually making sourdough bread now and it’s a case of waiting overnight for proving the dough and letting it rise.

The results are unpredictable.  The first loaf was not good – I hate throwing anything away but there really was no option.  My fault – I’d not given enough time for the cooking,  also, I’d followed the recipe too slavishly instead of using my commonsense and so I added too much water.  But the second is much better – we’re using it quite happily.  Still not perfect, but edible and very tasty – like all of us, a work in progress.   Meanwhile my “starter” mix is getting better in texture and I’m learning a lot about keeping it going to gain the strength to make a proper loaf.    I feed the starter with flour and water just like God feeds me through his Word and Prayer.

So what’s this about?  I’m learning to be patient.   The things God has created  can work together to produce something really special – however, I need to let the creative process work at its own pace and stop trying to control everything myself.  And I never cease to wonder  at the way yeast works.  I came down this morning into the kitchen and the level of my starter mix in the jar had risen amazingly.    When I saw the yeast frothing and rising  this morning I saw a little miracle of creation in my own kitchen  and praised the Creator of all.   It’s worth being patient!

Prayer:  Almighty, Creator God.  You are there in the big things and the small; nothing is too small for you to notice and that can give us all hope – if you can care for the simple things like making bread, you can care for us.  Give us the faith to place ourselves fully into your hands and to trust you in any and every part of our lives.  We are works in progress – through your Holy Spirit, make us more like you and more as you want us to be day by day.  In Jesus’ name  Amen.