
When I couldn’t sleep the other night, my mind was going into overdrive!  I ended up thinking about a Thought for the Day.  I came up with the word “Presentation”.  I suppose at the back of my mind was “have I got all the presents” and Neil’s request for some more items.  But it went further than that.

On Advent Sunday, in a few weeks time, we start to think of our hope for the future and how this will present itself to us.  Even more this year when on Advent Sunday we will still be in lockdown.

Some of us will have family miles away in this country, some abroad, and we are wondering how to get their presents to them.  We are thinking about money, but for children that doesn’t seem quite right – they like to open a present.  We will miss the presentation of Carol Services and if we can go to Church how can we cope with not singing, or even humming, our favourite carols.  I usually present our Circuit Lay Employees with coffee and mince pies at our bungalow we are doing it by Zoom this year – it’s the best we can do, but it’s not the same.

However, enough of these gloomy thoughts – nothing, not even Covid, can take away the wonderful presentation on Christmas Day of the baby Jesus – the Saviour of the World, the Light of the World in the darkness of the winter days.  Let’s use this time to brighten our homes by putting up our decorations early, and to write our Christmas Cards and to think of the recipients as we do and ask for God’s blessing on them as they are presented or posted to them.

These times won’t last forever.  To quote John Wesley – the best of all is, God is with us.

May God bless you all.