He walks beside us

I am so glad that during this lockdown we are allowed to go on a socially distanced walk with another individual who is not from our household.

Just going on a short walk with someone can make a big difference to physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

It is a good way to use our time and is in line with government guidelines.

Jesus once walked with Cleopas and friend on the road to Emmaus. The two friends were clearly in a state of deep grief and bewilderment, but the physical presence of Jesus warmed their hearts and brought healing.

Prayerfully thinking about who we could walk with in this second Lockdown and offering that space, is indeed time well spent.

A Prayer

Thank you, Jesus, that ever and always you will be our model of care.

Thank you, that you walked alongside others in their need.

Bless, we pray, all our encounters and conversations with your healing balm and Holy Presence.
