
Proverbs 10:11 The mouth of a good person is a deep, life-giving well,
but the mouth of the wicked is a dark cave of abuse.

Words are powerful !  The damage caused by harsh words can last a lifetime.

It is imperative that we control our words, even more so in the digital word that we are now living in, where words can travel quicker and further than ever before.

Abraham Lincoln once said “ It is better to be silent and thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt !”

Our words can build as well as destroy, with kind and encouraging words, you can change a person’s day – or even their entire life !!

Words can bring great blessings.

I always remember being told “ If you cant think of something good to say about someone, then say nothing”

Use your words to spread kindness and love, speak well of people and to people