Smoke Signal

When quoting Romans 8 v 28, we often begin with the words, “All things work together for good.” But the verse really begins like this; “We know that in all things work together for good to those who love God.” Our knowing comes by faith.

There is a well known story about a shipwreck. When the lone survivor reached a small, uninhabited island, he prayed for God to rescue him, but help didn’t come. Eventually he built a hut out of driftwood for protection against the elements. One day he returned from scavenging for food and found his hut in flames, the smoke rising into the sky. Angrily he cried, “God, how could You do this to me?” The next morning he was awakened by rescuers. “How did you know I was here,” he asked? “We saw your smoke signal,” they replied.

The next time it seems as if your last hope has gone up in smoke, remember what “we know” to be true. When God says all things work together for those who love Him, He means all things!”

At the moment it must be incredibly hard for many to see any good in their lives. Their businesses may have been destroyed and so many have lost loved ones. We don’t know how much worse things are going to get before we overcome this virus.

We feel for our neighbours and friends who are not coping. But as our faith is being tested we can give thanks and trust in God’s faithfulness. Please pray for all those who are struggling financially, mentally and physically at this time that they will be comforted and strengthened.