God hears whispers

A certain preacher understood why he had never been asked to join a choir or sing a solo. Musical talent was not one of his gifts.

He had discovered this at the age of 9 when he was outside one day singing loudly. His mother opened the door and asked, “Is one of the calves sick? I think I just heard one. ”   

His mother’s words, however, never kept him from praising God in song. When he preached somewhere, he enthusiastically joined in congregational singing (making sure, of course, not to stand too close to the microphone).   God’s great salvation filled him with gratitude, and one way to express his joy was to sing about it.

I feel a bit like this preacher. I love to sing and, in my mind, I have a voice like Katherine Jenkins. If only I had. My singing voice is getting worse and apparently, I scared my dog one Sunday morning when I was singing along with the on-line service.

Now I find myself singing in a whisper, behind my mask, on Sunday mornings. I really want to sing loudly but we are not allowed to do so. I’m thankful that God hears whispers as well as loud voices and He knows that a heart in tune with Him will sing His praise