Rewilding the Church

I have recently been reading “Rewilding the Church” by Steve Aisthorpe, a mission worker in the Scottish Highlands.

Taking his cue from recent rewilding initiatives in agriculture & forestry Steve argues that something similar should be happening in the Church.

“Rewilding” allows natural forces to “take the driving seat”.  “Step back & allow nature to reshape the environment”.  Key species that have been lost can be reintroduced.  Invasive species that hinder healthy development can be culled.

The human instinct that has disrupted our natural environment has also constrained the Church.  Church that began as a “Spirit-empowered movement” has become hindered by complex & risk-averse institutions, the predictable & safe that entangle growth.

It’s time to rediscover the adventure of faith, the capacity for regeneration & growth.

Our focus should be on being the people of Jesus who calls us to emerge as a living, growing, ever-changing Church.

This is not about resuscitation but about resurrection, innovation & refocus.

Hear the call of Jesus to “follow me”.