Lectionary reflections for Sunday 27th September 2020

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time                     Year A                                     27th September 2020.

Lectionary Readings:

Ezekiel 18 v1-4, 25-32.                      Stop sinning and live!

Philippians 2 v1-13.                           Christ’s example of true humility.

Matthew 21 v23-32.                           A question about Jesus’ authority and a story about two sons.

Seeing is Believing

(for some, but not all, it seems.)

Jesus is challenging the religious leaders about their understanding of God’s love and purposes.

Jesus says that they did not believe the message of John the Baptist, even after seeing the transformation of ‘evil’ people after they had repented of their sins and been baptised into a new relationship with God.

The religious leaders did not see that they themselves were in need of such transformation.

These former ‘evil’ people, (tax collectors and prostitutes,) now forgiven by God (but not by the religious leaders), are Jesus says, sure to get into the kingdom of God before they ever will! (v31).

In the passage from Ezekiel, God states that “all people belong to me” (v4). Something that the religious leaders of Matthew’s day had long forgotten.

Later in the same passage God asks the people of Israel “Do you want to be put to death for your sins?” “I, the Lord God, don’t want to see that happen to anyone. So stop sinning and live!” (v32).

The message of both Ezekiel and John the Baptist is a simple one: repent of your sins and live, with the assurance of God’s mercy, forgiveness and love.

Paul, writing to the Philippians, makes the point that if you do the will of God by obeying God’s commands (and not sinning), God will bless you with his Spirit, which will live within you (v13).

Other people will then be able to see that you are reflecting God’s love towards others.

That their seeing this transformation of your character will result in their believing the good news about Jesus and then everyone will openly agree (that) ‘Jesus is Lord!’ (v11).

Bible quotations are taken fro the Contemporary English Version.

Thanks to Mike Peck for submitting these reflections