Dipping a toe

Some Churches have been dipping a toe in the water over the last few weeks to re-imagine what Church might look like in the coming weeks and over the next few weeks increasing numbers of Churches are opening with a variety of different expressions of what Church might look like.  I have spoken to several people in the last few days who have said that they want to get back to worship, whatever the cost, I have spoken to others who say that there is no way they are coming back until either, they feel safe doing so, or Church is what Church really ought to be.  There are no rights or wrongs, simply what people feel most comfortable with. 

In the set Bible reading for today from St Matthew’s Gospel Jesus turns to face Jerusalem and tells his disciples that if they want to come with him, they need to “Deny self, take up their cross and follow him. I thought it worth spending a couple of minutes reflecting on those three aspects of our own lives as the summer months come towards an end and Church worship starts up again and schools return and maybe we see some kind of new normal.

Deny self:
There is what I believe to be a Yorkshire saying: “Hear all, see all say nowt, Eat all, drink all, pay nowt and if ever tha does owt for nowt, allus do it for thisen” for the sake of those who don’t understand, the ethos is look after yourself first.  There is great joy in serving others, in kind gestures, kind words and even a smile, I don’t think Jesus is saying “see yourself as being worthless, but more, put the interests of others before yourselves.

Take up your cross:
Several years ago I was taking part in a walk of witness one Good Friday and I had to take my turn carrying the cross “don’t worry” the man said as he placed it on my shoulder “it’s hollow inside and is very light” I wanted it to be heavy, I wanted to feel the burden and it felt as though I was cheating. Jesus reminds us that walking his way is not a passport to an easy life, quite the contrary in fact, the Christian journey can cost dearly.

Follow me:
I have often reflected on the fact that as a minister, my work is influenced by the one who has gone before me, if they have been popular and done great work, the expectation is that I will live up to their high standard, if they have not been very popular, people expect me to be everything they were not.  I’ve learned that following somebody is not very easy.  Jesus says “follow me” go where I am going, do what I am doing, live as I live and none of these are easy.

So perhaps as we prepare for a new way of living, we need to deny self, take up our cross and follow Christ.