The Earth is the Lord’s

The above is the title of this year’s Methodist Prayer Handbook 2020/2021.

In the introduction Richard Teal, President of Conference and Carolyn Lawrence, Vice-President
provide us with a challenging reflection on our Christian stewardship, in particular our call to care for
people and planet. “ All of us are called to be good stewards of the Planet for own lifetime and to
safeguard it for generations to come”. (P.2)

In their year in office the President and Vice –President are thinking about growth. – both personally
and as Churches –and reminding ourselves that, in Wesley’s words, “The best of all is , God is with

A short time ago Doug Hart from Trimley church sent me a photo of a tree he planted as a boy.
The tree was planted in 1937 and the photo with this post shows the tree at 83 years old !

I found this photo an inspiration. As Christians we should surly be people who plant trees both
physically and metaphorically. I love the idea of planting a tree I may never see at the pinnacle of its
glory for the sake of generations to come.

If you have never used the Methodist Prayer Handbook why not purchase a copy this year, I promise
you it will nourish sustain and challenge you. It will help you grow!

Within its pages are rich resources for daily prayer, with a pull out section for daily Bible study
starting on Sunday the 30 th of August. Each day there is set Bible reading and Psalm together with a
well-chosen hymn from Singing the Faith to reflect upon.

As this resource encourages us to pray for Christians and situations worldwide, it is also a marvellous
aid to intercessory Prayer.

Day one of the monthly circle is always set aside for “Praying with All Creation” and below is a prayer
from this year’s addition of the Methodist Prayer Handbook.

“Creator God, help us to live gently upon the earth, nurturing each hectare wisely, cherishing each
good gift gratefully, re-using, recycling and restoring faithfully, deferring to the needs of the poor
generously. Amen

(Written by Jenny Dyer, Superintendent, Stroke- on -Trent North Circuit).

To order a copy visit