“Keep Connecting”

Facebook. You Tube. Zoom. I’ve not used any of these before Lockdown. Now it seems that I can’t do without them. Being 60, I can claim technophobia, and do when I press a wrong button and cut myself off !  I have found other buttons useful especially the mute button. It has kept me from wading into a discussion that is best left for another time.  I have also connected with people I have worked with for years and not known a thing about their home life, interests or pastimes. Who has a dog, likes walks or can make an origami peace crane.  Information that might be useful.

Is it the pandemic that has helped me find a new way of communicating?  The platforms were there before we were ordered to stay at home. I just had never thought of accessing them. Is that not the same as God’s love? It has been there all the time, I just didn’t access it. So I have started reading my Bible more; that has not quite collected dust but has sat unopened too long.  Prayer is another tool that needs practice to use efficiently. It does not matter if you make a mess of it, just start trying to use it. Like my child’s first drawing, purple scribbles, it was perfect in my eyes. Your attempts will be just the same in God’s sight. I will never be able to construct a master sketch but with God anything is possible so I will keep trying. That’s another thing I have learnt recently to just sit still in God’s presence is sometimes all that is needed to feel His love and power.

My thought for today is to keep connecting with people and God. It will surprise you how much love is out there. As church buildings open up you will find a worshipping community back on Sunday mornings, near you. Also remember God’s love is for all, out there operating on a daily basis as well, all you have to do is connect.