When did you last experience an angel?

I was recently troubled by a water leak in my garden, which not only affected me but also others in the village as the water was flowing into the road. Anglia Water were not interested or able to help and I was left wondering what to do next. Paul unexpectedly called in and was able to detect that the leak was caused by a tree root, which would require removing with a chainsaw. A passing friend said her neighbour was a tree surgeon, who shortly removed the offending root.

Paul then returned with a plumbing expert, Mike, and together with a third helper, repaired the leak. The following day Mike arrived to collect his equipment when Liz happened to cycle by. She had been wanting to call, but not sure if I would be around. On her approach to my house, as she cycled on the lanes around Wattisham, she prayed “please God, let Paul be at his gate”. The timing was just right, as she turned the corner there I was at the gate chatting to Mike.

I know that God sent all these people, as angels, just at the right time.

When did God last send you an angel? When were you last able to be an angel to someone, just at the right time?